Hi, my name is Chenai Mbanga! Welcome to my blog! I write to encourage, inspire and empower you in growing in your spiritual life through reflections and prose. I have been writing on this blog for 5 years now, and it has been a journey! Join me as I continue my journey toward self-actualizing.❤


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    Hindsight is my first book! Read about where the idea came from, why I think it’s important, and how it’s the book that led to self-actualization.♡
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As You Are

 I implore you to unlearn the systems of belief that have imprisoned your mind all these years. Take a sharp blade and run it over, with precision, the thread that tethers you to the past and all its destructive patterns. You cleansed yourself in blood and walked out radiant. You became a new creature, set apart, anointed; the blemishes from the past no longer marks of shame. They no longer exists. So then why do you keep referencing them? Why do you keep flicking up mud when you are dressed in the purest of garments? Why do you run your blade over your skin, searching for scars that have been healed? You will find them if you search. But why do you search? Is it to remind yourself of your imperfections? But you have been made perfect. I urge you to let it go! Leave the past in the past; don’t allow an idle mind to travel down a road from which you’ve been redeemed. Remember, He was bruised for your transgressions. Every time you unearth the past, you bruise him once more. Has he not done enough for you?
You are pure and un-defiled, blemish free. 

                                     Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. |Isaiah 43:18|

You are blessed with a magnificent temple. You are not responsible for the actions and thoughts of someone else. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are extraordinary; it stands to reason that someone will take notice. You glow and exude a glory greater than a thousand suns; you are forged with such intricacy and precision that I can only marvel from a distance, speechless. Everything about you is a work of great craftsmanship. I fear and desire you. I know you, and yet you are mystifying. I look at you and am spellbound. I am reminded that though you arouse wander and awe; I am not to possess you. It is forbidden. Yes, you are a rarity, one of a kind. You are of greater worth than the jewels that embellish a crown. Yes, as you are, you are the most beautiful of all gems.
Because you are precious in my eyes, and honoured, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life. |Isaiah 43:4|


Image via @blackexistence